Unknown column 'a.kl1' in 'field list'
SELECT distinct a.zszy as zszy,a.xfbz as xfbz,b.btmc as yxmc,a.zsjh as zsjh,a.kl1 as kl1,a.kl2 as kl2, b.sxcl as sxcl,b.xzcl as xzcl,a.yxid as yxid FROM dzjhzy2 AS a INNER JOIN yxsartices AS b ON b.aid = a.yxid where a.fnf=2024 and a.zyid=244 and b.ihid<6 and ((b.curl is not null) or (b.curl!='')) and b.slcl like '%510000%' order by b.iwei desc,b.axu asc limit 11